Alright, i'm not going to lie, kezia noble is the hottest scammer in the community.
Let's be honest, not a single one of us wont mind bending that shit over and slam that pussy.
If you dont want to, chances are, you'll prob like this website:
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Who does she think she is? She ain't me fuckin' daughter-in-law is she.
Like the league title, there's only one fuckin' winner.
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that was ridickulous what you just said.
She is HOT.
I bet if guys went up to talk to her
she'd interupt them and say "how much money you got."
shes the kind of slut who knows how hot she is and damn, she is fuchen hot indeed
but why is a slut like that hot in the scenes?? you have to wonder? obviously she like the attention and validation she gets. again, she is under no illusion as to how fuchen hot she is and i have to admit, i rarely see hotter girls.
lets remember this chick is hot, but every day this cunt goes into a toilet, sit down and unleash a fuchen LOG into that toilet man. she knew the smell of SHIT. she sits on her own fuchen smell of shit and then wipe her ass and LOOK at the toilet paper to see if the shit is there. if so, she wipe again. then she look at her log or whatever shit she produce (yes she do have bad ones like us). lol, still think this cunt is hot??
i do
kezia is part greek eh.
greek? lol
tara indeed is hot...these girls are so not normal they are worse than strippers to work for that money.
I think its weird.Really these girls are about the money.
like that scene in the movie indescent proposal.
All about the cash, in reality you think she gives a shit about "some guy wanting to get girls" by asking a woman...
Did your father or ancestors ask a woman?
this is where the puacommunity sucks as that gets us into low self esteem thought.
best example is erika awakening but that is for another thread..
Im not surprised she does spiritual cleansing and tarot cards t this point.
She's ethnically either of gypsy/romani descent or
from greek-cyriot immigrants to london (they immigrated to london in huge numbers in the 70s)
you can tell from her mannerisms that she's from a poor inner-city background, like a housing project/council estate
her accent is from a london council estate
maybe she used to be a stripper/escort
does she still escort?
probably for rip off prices
She's probably a nice enough person, just wants to make easy money
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She is a Pickup instructor cause its an easier way to manipulate guys for money than her dancing and getting naked for guys late at night and doing calls.
PUTraing guys obviously taught her well.
She isnt going to let go of the comfortable way of making money off guys.
either instructing guys to follow her or her dancing her way to get money.
she is a smart one and guess which one she will choose?
Everyone has a price my son
I bet n00bs drool seeing that one.
btw nice observation on her language and background. Good job.
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Did you REALLY have to say that?